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    Institutional Excellence

    The Institutional Excellence unit is responsible for Institutional Quality Management and Institutional Risk Management activities across QU.

    The Institutional Quality Management section:

    • Governs Institutional Quality Management activities, such as:

    - Ensuring the implementation of Institutional Quality Management plans, in coordination with QU units.

    - Aiding QU units in their activities within the university, to ensure that such activities are consistent and responsive to QU’s strategy.

    - Assisting and recommending modification of service delivery and processes in coordination with QU units, in order to ensure that they adhere to the principles of quality management.

    - Guiding and facilitating the implementation of management system standards through the implementation of relevant ISO certifications.

    - Administering Administrative Unit Review (AUR) to foster units’ continuous improvement.

    • Establishes and disseminates a culture of Institutional Quality Management and excellence throughout the QU community.

    The Institutional Risk Management section:

    • Develops Risk Management (RM) frameworks and plans and ensures alignment with QU’s risk appetite and regulatory requirements.
    • Ensures that sufficient support is provided to QU units in identifying existing or potential key threats and opportunities.
    • Establishes and maintains proper documentation and maintenance of the university risk register.
    • Reports on risk activities to executive management on a regular basis, ensuring accurate and timely reporting.
    • Ensures effective communication of RM escalation procedures with risk owners and champions across QU.
    • Provides necessary awareness and training sessions to risk owners and champions, as well as to the wider QU community, on how to undertake RM processes on an ongoing basis.
    • Establishes and disseminates a culture of Institutional Risk Management and excellence across the QU community.

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