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    SDG Collaboration and Outreach

    No Poverty; Policymaking; Research;

    QU's Department of Fine Arts, in collaboration with the QU Alumni Association's Culture and Arts Chapter, organized the "Gaza: A Pulse of My Colors" charity art exhibition.

    The event, showcased artworks by Fine Arts students and alumni, with proceeds directed to Gaza relief efforts through Qatar Charity. The exhibition demonstrates the power of art to unite communities and support those in need, reflecting QU's commitment to humanitarian values.


    No Poverty;community Outreach;
    Qatar University (QU) and the National Human Rights Committee (NHRC) have entered a partnership to advance human rights research. Their collaboration focuses on enhancing civil, political, social, and environmental rights in Qatar through joint research, knowledge exchange, and community initiatives. The agreement includes organizing workshops, seminars, and research grants. Both institutions aim to promote equality, non-discrimination, and social justice, with an emphasis on human rights in Islam. They plan to publish research and celebrate achievements to foster awareness at local and global levels.


    No Poverty; Student Outreach;
    The event organized by the Student Representative Board and Ealia Club featured placards, chants, and fundraising for Gaza through Qatar Charity. Students and faculty donned the iconic Palestinian Keffiyeh, emphasizing that the Palestinian cause is a humanitarian issue beyond nationalities. The gathering included mass prayers and calls for action against disinformation campaigns. This event highlighted QU's commitment to global humanitarian principles and its role in advocating for justice and solidarity with oppressed peoples. By fostering dialogue and promoting charitable efforts, the university community reaffirmed its dedication to raising awareness about critical humanitarian issues..


    No Poverty; Community Outreach;
    Qatar University's Core Curriculum Programme (CCP) partnered with the Leadership and Civic Engagement Department and Qatar Charity to host a two-day campaign, ‘For Palestine,’to support Gaza. The event featured information sessions and a Charity Souq, raising QR 81,000 in donations. A charity auction also took place, selling 30 art pieces for QR30,000. Student Maryam Al-Nuaimi shared her experience selling Palestinian food to contribute to fundraising, showcasing the enduring solidarity of the Qatari community with Palestine.


    Zero Hunger; Government Collaboration;
    The Agricultural Research Station (ARS) at Qatar University (QU) has developed Vertical Farming Technology, a patented hydroponic system for growing fresh leafy vegetables. This method represents a shift in agriculture, using stacked indoor layers to maximize space and reduce resources, enabling year-round production with minimal environmental impact. The Qatar University Vegetable Factory (QUVF) features precise climate control, LED lighting, and automation to optimize growing conditions and resource efficiency. Vertical farming reduces water and energy use, limits the need for chemicals, and offers urban-friendly, space-efficient solutions.


    Our Environmental Science Club (ESC) regularly organizes initiatives to promote tree planting and environmental awareness among students and the local community. In celebration of World Environment Day, ESC hosted school children at the university, where they learned firsthand about the importance of planting trees for a sustainable future. Another impactful event included a trip to Purple Island, where QU students participated in mangrove planting, contributing directly to local biodiversity and coastal health.


    QU established the first on campus vegetable plant. Using hydroponics, the plant produces lettuce, spinach, rocca, and others leafy vegetables – minimizing the need for importing these products, and hence minimising their cost. The engineering, procurement services, supply and installation of the cultivation equipment of the project was awarded to Chiyoda Corporation and Chiyoda Almana Engineering jointly.


    A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed by QU's College of Arts and Sciences and the AUB's Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences. This strategic partnership aims to promote collaboration in food security and sustainable food production, aligning with global environmental imperatives..


    Good Health and Wellbeing;  International Collaboration This initiative focuses on strengthening lab capacity and clinical management to respond to zoonotic disease outbreaks. Key goals include supporting testing, diagnosis, training, and addressing knowledge gaps for disease prevention using a "One Health" approach. Activities encompass training, research, and outbreak response for zoonotic and other communicable diseases. Expected outcomes include developing research tools, scaling prevention strategies, and reducing the risk of high-threat pathogens emerging or re-emerging.


    Good Health and Wellbeing; Outreach; The Hazm Mebaireek Dental Academic Center (HMDAC), a collaboration between Hamad Medical Corporation and Qatar University, offers dental care while training future dental professionals. Students provide supervised routine care for adults and children, following international standards. .


    Good Health and Wellbeing; QU Initiatives; The College of Pharmacy celebrated World Patient Safety Day by hosting an outreach event themed “Engaging Patients for Patient Safety.” Focused on empowering pharmacists, the event included activities led by student volunteers to raise awareness on patient involvement in healthcare decisions. .


    Good Health and Wellbeing; Community Outreach;

    Qatar University (QU)'s Student Counseling Center celebrated the World Mental Health Day under the theme, “It's Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace.".




    Twitter IconQU Awarded Health University Status

    Twitter IconQatar’s national mental health study

    News Coverage

    Quality Education; Community Outreach; 

    Community Service and Continuing Education Center (CCE) is the leading provider of non-academic programs in Qatar, allowing the greater community access to the resources available at the university.We offer FREE Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) on edX as well as training programs and professional development courses in a range of disciplines including languages, business, leadership, management, finance, accounting and information processing. We also offer preparation courses for GMAT, GRE, IELTS, ACT, PMP and others.



    QU -Community Service and Continuing Education Center

    Quality Education; QU Initiatives; The MoU is focused on enhancing the activities of the Academic Network for Development Dialogue (ANDD) to ensure its long-term sustainability and growth.


    Academic Network for Development Dialogue (ANDD)

    News Article

    QU Hosts Third Annual Meeting of Academic Network for Development Dialogue

    Quality Education; Student Outreach; 

    • Our Young Scientist Center (QU-YSC) is a scientific hub that trains and empowers the next generation in STEM subjects. Through a range of programs, the Center makes STEM accessible to high school students namely National Science Promotion Program (NSPP), ‘I am a Researcher’ program and QU Gateway program
    • Al Bairaq offers a range of programs, from Science in Sports, to Design Thinking.
    • Al Qabas program educates high school students from grades 10 and 11 about university life. The program introduces students to the skills required to succeed at university, improves their English and math skills, and enhances their chances of successfully enrolling in STEM and health majors at Qatar University.
    • Sixth Youth Research Forum will run under the theme: "Innovation for Developing Societies


    Quality Education; International Collaboration;
     The Arabic for Non-Native Speakers (ANNS) Center, The center aims to be a global leader in Arabic language education, fostering cultural connections worldwide. Its mission is to offer high-quality Arabic instruction for non-native speakers from diverse backgrounds, utilizing innovative methods and supporting research in the field. ANNS provides intensive language courses, specialized programs for professionals, and collaborates with educational institutions globally to enhance Arabic language curricula.



    Dean of the College of Education at Qatar University and talking about the Ministry of Education and Higher Education's plan to nationalize cadres


    Gender Equality; International Collaboration;

    A special issue of Emergent Materials (EMMA), a multi-disciplinary journal of Qatar University (QU) focused on women in nanotechnology with the aim of highlighting the work of research groups led by female researchers around the world. The issue included distinctive projects in the field of nanotechnology written and supervised by women.


    Our university runs a range of initiatives that highlight women in STEM with the aim of celebrating the success of women in STEM fields and encouraging future generations to join these fields.

    Cyber Women is an initiative by our KINDI Computing Research Center (KINDI) that aims to inspire and encourage females to engage with STEM subjects and to bring women in academia and industry together to collaborate, share inspiring success stories and discover new talent.Additionally, our university celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science annually, where prominent women in STEM are brought together to discuss pertinent issues in their field, and to honor female researchers at our university.


    Gender Equality; National Collaboration; College of Health Sciences is proud to announce the official opening for male admission to its existing BSc Physical Therapy program in Fall 2023. .



    Gender Equality; International Collaboration;

    QU Health- PhD student, Nadin Nagy Younes has been recognised with the prestigious 2023 L’Oréal-Unesco For Women in Science Middle East Regional Young Talent award. award-winning PhD project is titled “The development of low-cost, easy-to-use tests (LFAs) for the early and rapid detection of Norovirus (NoV) and Hepatitis E (HEV).”



    Success Stories Women in Nanotechnology

    International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2022

    Clean Water and Sanitation; International Collaboration; Together with UNESCO, QU is to set to establish A UNESCO Chair in Desalination and Water Treatment at our Water Technology Unit at CAM. It is the first of its kind in the region under UNITWIN/ UNESCO Chairs Program, and it is the outcome of the co-operation of more than 30 universities and organizations from 15 countries in the region. The objectives aim to establish a multi-disciplinary research program in desalination and water treatment, fostering international collaboration and knowledge exchange. 


    Clean Water and Sanitation; Community Outreach; The ALECSO Chair for Water, led by Dr. Maryam Al-Ejji at our Center for Advanced Materials, is advancing sustainable water treatment. Key research areas include wastewater treatment, membrane technology for purification, biofouling control, and using nanotechnology to boost efficiency


    Clean Water and Sanitation; Local Collaboration;
    As Qatar marks World Water Day, the spotlight is on the urgent need for innovative solutions to secure the nation’s water future.


    Clean Water and Sanitation; Community Outreach; Qatar University recently organized the Qatar-German Water Sustainability Day (QGWSD 2023), addressing water sustainability challenges. .



    News Coverage

    Developing Sustainable future

    with algae

    Research Series:

    Water Desalination

    Research Series: Innovations in
    Water TreatmentTechnology

    Affordable and Clean Energy; International Collaboration;

    The QU-CAM has collaborated with Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon, has managed to develop new materials used in these Cost effective batteries, in a manner appropriate to the climate of the State of Qatar, by making an innovative combination that was accepted to apply for patent registration in the US. These research efforts come within the framework of facing the challenges related to energy and environmental pollution, which leads to the effective use of renewable energy sources and the consequent urgent need for high-performance devices to store this energy.


    Affordable and Clean Energy; on Campus Initiatives;

    • Solar Panels On-Campus:As part of our green initiative across campus, we have installed solar panels on the rooftops of our car parks and male and female student housing. The energy generated from these solar panels is used to heat water at the university.
    • Award Winning Sustainable Energy Building:Our new award-winning College of Education building has created the ideal environment for innovation and excellence in our university community. Located in the center of our campus, the building is a model of sustainable development, being built to 4-Star Design and Construction Standards by Qatar’s Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS)
    • Energy Policy:Our Renewable Energy and Conservation Policy guides different operations at the Facilities and General Services Department (FGSD) to meet Qatar University commitment towards sustainability. The policy aims to create a more sustainable campus and maximize efficiency while responsibly managing energy, water and human resources.


    Carbon Footprint Report 2020

    Carbon Footprint Report 2021

    Carbon Footprint Report 2022

    SOP-05 Carbon Footprint Calculation and Sustainability Practices Procedure

    Affordable and Clean Energy; National Contribution

    QU has unveiled a solar-powered mobile library, a pioneering initiative in promoting sustainability and education. Developed by the Centre for Advanced Materials (CAM), the mobile library repurposes a club car, fitted with bookshelves and solar panels, enabling it to carry 200 books and operate entirely on renewable energy..


    A Research and Policy Group’ is a joint initiative between Qatar University’s (QU) College of Engineering and College of Business and Economics. The group aims to equip the country and the research community with cutting-edge technology and energy policies to support Qatar in unlocking its potential and develop a critical component of a long-term strategy to securing continuing prosperity for decades.



    News Coverage

    QU Invents Sustainable Cooling Technology

    Social Media

    Decent Work and Economic Growth; International Collaboration; 2023
    Three-day Workshops organized as part of a collaboration between QU, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Ministry of Labour.The discussions of these workshops placed great emphasis on Convention No. 111 of the ILO with regard to Discrimination within Employment and Occupation in addition to Convention No. 190 with regard to Violence and Harassment. These discussions around gender equality, inclusion and decent work between faculty, staff and students are paramount to preparing future employers and managers to take advantage of the increasingly diverse workplaces we see in Qatar and around the world.


    Decent Work and Economic Growth; National Contribution; Since Qatar won the rights to host the FIFA World Cup, its labour law and the welfare of migrant workers have been under persistent international scrutiny. A team of researchers at the Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) at Qatar University developed the Guest Worker Welfare Index (GWWI) - a unique tool, based on survey data, for the evaluation of the impact of the government’s policies on guest workers. Now in its fifth wave, the survey - which was administered in more than seven languages - evaluates several aspects of the working and living conditions of guest workers, including: safety and security at working sites and living compounds; human rights and labor rights; finance and remittances; and treatment by their employers. In addition to assessing and tracking workers welfare, the index identifies areas of improvement to guide policy formulation.


    Ecent Work and Economic Growth; Qu Initiative
    Al Fikrais a national entrepreneurship competition, in collaboration with Qatar Development Bank. Translated as ‘The Idea’, it provides an opportunity for university communities to develop and transform their ideas, knowledge, and intellectual outputs into impactful economic outputs.


    Decent Work and Economic Growth; Regional Collaboration; 

    In collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Qatar Career Development Center (QCDC), QU's Student Career Development Association successfully concluded its first career development camp for university students. The camp aimed to equip graduating students with essential skills for a smooth transition into the job market. 


    Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure; Local Outreach; 

    • A collaborative effort between QU and HyperThink Systems to launch the second edition of the Entrepreneurship Award for Innovation and Excellence in Startups. The award aims to recognize and honor the ingenuity of Qatari-founded companies, regional startups, and exceptional QU students and faculty.


    Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure; QU Initiative

    • The Office of Strategic Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development (SIEED) at Qatar University has launched several training, coaching, incubation, and support programs.


      1. Genesis Technologies LLC: faculty-led start-up in the Fintech sector
      2. Clear Exhaust LLC: faculty-led start-up in Carbon emission mitigation
      3. Space Vision Digital Solutions LLC: faculty-led start-up in AI solutions
      development of a holistic “QU Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Economic Development Ecosystem” across all QU sectors


    Genesis Technologies LLC

    Clear Exhaust LLC

    Space Vision Digital Solutions LLC

    Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure; Qu Initiative; 

    QMIC is the first independent innovation center in the region, founded by our university. It focuses on using R&D to develop and deploy Intelligent Mobility and Smart Cities platforms and technologies. QMIC uses locally engineered innovations & knowledge to enable creating home-grown technology industries that address national strategies and tackle regional emerging challenges.

    • In particular, QMIC has played a pioneering role in delivering platforms & solutions focusing on key domains including Intelligent Transport, Logistics & Telematics, Road Safety, and Connected & Autonomous Mobility.
    • Through its integrated innovations development & delivery model, QMIC represents a unique and important category within the national Research & Development & Innovations (RDI) enterprise in Qatar that is strategically driven, R&D-based, solution-focused, and business-oriented.


    Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure; Student Outreach

    • Boeing:The partnership between Boeing and Qatar University- College of Engineering goes back to 2016 and reflects a shared commitment to fostering talent and promoting innovation in Qatar's thriving technology sector.In 2023 Qatar University College of Engineering (QU-CENG) and Boeing joined forces to launch a new robotics competition, aimed at promoting innovation in robotics among university students.
    • STEM BUS: Our STEM bus is a mobile laboratory that brings STEM to state-school children in Qatar in a fun and innovative way. Sponsored by Qatar Petrochemical Company (QAPCO) and Dolphin Energy Company, the bus motivates students to explore the broad possibilities and applications of engineering, mathematics, physics and science outside the classroom. It enhances their academic achievements and encourages them to study STEM subjects in the future.
    • GASNA: Our university runs several competitions to encourage innovation. One such example is the annual Gasna Competition for schools, which is run by our Gas Processing Center and sponsored by ExxonMobil. The competition provides students with insight into the energy sector including how it operates, technology used, production and environmental protection. It aims to enhance the level of awareness of the role of the gas industry in Qatar’s economy and future and to nurture a skilled future workforce. In 2021, 144 schools participated in the competition and the categories covered kindergarten to grade 12.




    Reduced Inequalities; Accessible Facilities

    Students with special needs face various challenges in Distance Learning System, (QU) provided an integrated plan for the students.


    Reduced Inequalities; Community Outreach; 

    Dr. Ahmed Elkhatat of Qatar University developed the Mobile Smart Shower Room to address the needs of the elderly and individuals with special needs who may face challenges with daily tasks like showering..



    In dedication to World Autism Month, QU’s (QU) Health Sector launches an  Educational Webinar Series in collaboration with national stakeholders like Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) and Sidra Medicine.


    Reduced Inequalities; International Collaborations

    QU’s Inclusion and Special Needs Support Center reaffirms its dedication to the International Day of Persons with Special Needs, emphasizing the importance of integration and support for this community.



    A discussion seminar on equal opportunities and obstacles facing the training and employment of persons with disabilities

    Sustainable Cities and Communities; International Collaborations;

    QU Library Has ongoing projects such as The Oral History Project, documenting memories from the 50s and 60s in Qatar, the “Qatar through the Eyes of Her Majesty" project and an online course on 'Qatari History and Heritage' on the edX platform. The library's Qatarna collection serves as a repository for Qatari publications, preserving and promoting Qatar's culture and history..


    Sustainable Cities and Communities; National Collaboration;
    Our Department of Arts and Culture organises a range of programs, activities, workshops, and cultural-artistic events for our community. Among other activities, The Awtaar Competition brings together the Orient and the West by providing a platform for students to display their talents in playing the oud and the piano. The Fasih Poetry Competition encourages our students’ literary expression, while the weekly Qatari Authors Café is a cultural platform that discusses pertinent topics related to the cultural scene. .


    Sustainable Cities and Communities; National Collaborations;

    The Qatar Transportation and Traffic Safety Center (QTTSC) at our university is one of several agencies tasked with advancing transportation .

    The Center has developed a course, Traffic Safety and Human Behavior," to introduce the importance of traffic safety, and it organizes scientific international traffic Safety conferences . They also run the Traffic Safety Ambassadors Program to raise awareness among school students and the wider community of the importance of traffic safety, and to cultivate safe driving practices among the youth.


    Sustainable Cities and Communities; Community Outreach

    The Qatar Transportation and Traffic Safety Center (QTTSC) hosted a workshop on "Introduction to Crash Investigation in collaboration with the International Road Federation (IRF). The workshop aimed to improve traffic safety by teaching principles and techniques of post-crash investigation.


    As part of its Qatar University Zero Waste Initiative, QU has succeeded in producing the first batch of fertilizer by converting food waste generated at the students housing.


    Zero-Waste Action Plan

    QU research team to explore non-traditional solutions to meet the challenges associated with national food security. The proposed technology is compatible with Qatari environmental conditions, in terms of water scarcity and space constraints and high temperatures.


    Qatar university research into environmentally friendly technologies is poised to create far-reaching benefits for the world’s marine environment.


    Facilities and General Services department keen on raising environmental awareness and enhancing the environmental performance of all QU activities through the effective operation of ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems.

    QU Environmental Management System Mandatory Procedures




    Climate Action; International Collaboration;

    Thermally Insulated Greenhouse

    QU researchers received a National Priorities Research Program grant to design and build a greenhouse that can provide favourable sustainable agricultural microclimate conditions for growing produce in the harsh Qatar climate. The project developed a thermally insulated greenhouse that allows the entry of optimum solar radiation levels through negative linear Fresnel lenses located on its roof. The lenses distribute the solar radiation over the plant rows. The performance of the proposed greenhouse in terms of providing the required levels of solar radiation for plant growth and the reduction in cooling load was assessed using ray tracing 


    Climate Action; Community Outreach

    In the ‘Qatar Greener Schools Initiative’ project, our researchers propose a new Energy Management System for greener schools in Qatar. This project provides participating schools with the resources and communications support they need to educate their students and staff community on renewable energy and energy efficiency best practices.


    Climate Action; Local Collaboration

    The College of Law at Qatar University organized a debate on the impact of climate change legislation on business, with postgraduate students participating.The stance of the Qatari legislator on global climate commitments, particularly the Paris Climate Change Agreement, was discussed.


    In the news global climate commitments

    To know more about this visit our webpage

    Climate Action; National Collaboration

     The Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) is a comprehensive sustainability rating system for the built environment. It promotes sustainable practices in the construction and operation of buildings and infrastructure, especially in the MENA region.  QU Department of Facilities and General Services has initiated the GSAS certification of new on-campus buildings, including the College of Engineering, Student Affairs building, and College of Law.



    COVID 19 and the Climate Change - 2020

    The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has approved the establishment of a UNESCO chair in marine sciences at the Environmental Science Center, Qatar University. The chair in marine science is the first of its type in the region.


    The "RESTORE" and "QataREEF" research projects are aligned with the University’s Research Road Map for the sustainability of marine resources. These projects, developed in collaboration with TOTAL, the Ministry of Municipality Environment as well as SEABOOST, France and Nova Southeastern University, USA.


    Qatar University has monitored and studied Hawksbill turtle nesting sites for the past 18 years in cooperation with the Ministry of Municipalities and Environment.


    Dr Giraldes of Qatar University is heading this project will research into the outcomes of improved aquaculture and gardening technologies for several coral species from Qatar.



    Sea Turtle

    QU 's role in Combating Climate change

    Sabkhas are a coastal, supratidal mudflat or sandflat in which evaporite-saline minerals accumulate as the result of the semi-arid to arid climate and are among the rare environments on Earth where it is possible to study the formation of carbonate and evaporite minerals.The conference provides an overview on the importance of Sabkhas as a natural resource and the urgency of protecting and preserving them.


    QU collaborates with Brazil’s the blue reef company to export coral reef restoration technology. Qatar University owns the patent, which is registered in the name of Dr. Bruno Giraldes, a research professor at the Center for Environmental Sciences. A Qatari technology that will be employed as a subsea asset in recovering marine resources on Brazil's coasts and renewing marine life on those beaches.


    One of the students in Biological and Environmental Sciences at Qatar University, supervised by our faculty, conducted a study on ‘The Biodiversity of Ants’ proving the existence of 44 species of ants; to be added for the first time to the biodiversity base in Qatar. The 44 species are newly recorded for ant fauna of the State of Qatar increasing the total number of ant species to 50 species. The differences between native and invasive alien species were made in this study for the first time in Qatar.


    We have reserved three natural habitat areas within our campus. Each of these fields exhibits notable differences in their biodiversity of flora and fauna and serve as important sites to study the diversity and interactions of plants, animals, and microorganisms in their natural habitats. Additionally, these fields are used as labs for several courses in the university.
    • Biology Field:The Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences has three reserved natural habitat areas within QU Campus.Each biology field exhibits notable difference in their biodiversity of flora and fauna. These fields serve as important site to study the diversity and interactions of plants, animals and microorganisms in their natural habitats.
    • Biology Museum:The Biology Museum was established in 2006. The museum has a collection of insects and few of other animal species collected since 1974.The museum is an important source of fauna specimen records
    • The Herbarium: The herbarium is a collection of preserved plant specimens. These specimens may be whole plants or plant parts, usually in a dried form or mounted on a sheet, but depending upon the material may also be kept in alcohol or other preservative




    International Conference on Sabkha in Qatar 2023

    Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions; Outreach;  Members from our college of law have been working together with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s (UNODC) to rollout their Education for Justice (E4J) initiative to Arabic speaking countries. The E4J initiative seeks to prevent crime and promote a culture of lawfulness through education activities designed for primary, secondary and tertiary levels. We are translating all E4J University Modules Series to support teaching on the SDGs, and particularly SDG16, across the region.


    Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions; Student Outreach; Our Center for Law and Development (CLD) have been awarded the European Union Jean Monnet Module funding to deliver courses on EU law to students and professionals in Qatar. The ‘Doha Courses on European Union Law’ is the first Jean Monnet Module in Qatar and the GCC, and the courses will be delivered annually for three years.


    Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions; Community Outreach;
    QU’s 2023 IAU Conferencetackled "Higher Education with Impact: The Importance of Intercultural Learning and Dialogue." Discussions centred on promoting peace and equipping students for a diverse world through dialogue and intercultural learning.


    Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions; Student Outreach
    QU’s College of Law has secured an Academic Research Grant from the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) to spearhead a pioneering initiative addressing legal aid for vulnerable populations..


    We lead and participate in many global research partnerships. We have been collaborating with academic institutions, government, industry, and NGOs across the world to advance our research involving the sustainable development goals.
    • One example of our partnerships is the internationally-joint research project M-NEX: "The Moveable Nexus: Design-led Urban Food, Energy and Water Management Innovation in New Boundary Conditions of Change", granted jointly by Belmont Forum and PI Urban Europe. Qatar University is one of seven partners from six countries.
    • Research at our Environmental Science Center has seen international collaboration with ETH Zurich; Space Exploration Center in Switzerland; NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory; and the University of Toronto. The project is a joint effort to examine the multitude of microbes in the Sabkhas of Qatar.
    • We have also partnered with Imperial College London, Biostage Inc in the US, and the American University of Beirut, Lebanon, to develop living heart valves that can grow with the body and integrate with the patient’s native tissue.
    • We have established UNESCO Chairs in Marine Sciences and in Desalination and Water Treatment – both firsts in the region and both aiming to advance international co-operation to institutional capacities, knowledge sharing and collaborative work.


    locally, we have worked side by side with academic institutions, government ministries and agencies, the industry, and NGOs to further research and policy in the sustainable development goals.
    • We have partnered with TotalEnergies locally (and SEABOOST internationally) to work on a series on interconnected projects to restore Qatar’s coral reef.
    • Together with Qatar Electricity and Water Company, we have established our Water Technology Unit that focuses on desalination and water treatment in the region.
    • We have partnered with Qatar Research, Development and Innovation Council (QRDI), to promote various programs, policies and activities that will contribute to the development of the overall national research, development and innovation ecosystem.
    • Our MOU with Iberdrola Innovation Middle East – the number one producer of wind power - is establishing applied research and development co-operation in the field of sustainable development.


    ANDD is a fundamental step in creating synergy and strengthening the cooperation and dialogue between the United Nations (UN) and Academia. It acts as a think tank in the region to influence the UN’s work and the global dialogue on policy options to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


    Partnerships are the key to tackling the SDGs. We have 231 active MOUs in a range of fields. We have entered into partnerships, and we collaborate with different sectors to actively advance the SDGs. A sample of these collaborations and their objectives are presented in QU SDG Report


    Qatar University SDG Report 23/24


    Exploring sustainable development in hot and arid climates-New THE campaign video

    Chair of the State of Qatar in Islamic Area Studies at Waseda University

    Developing future with algae