Day 1 (7th November) Program**
Room 1, Room 2, and Room 3
Room 4, Room 5, and Room 6
11:00 - 12:30 |
Opening Ceremony & Plenary SessionInauguration address by the
President, Qatar UniversityWelcome address by the Dean, Deanship of General Studies, Qatar UniversityPlenary by Stephen Krashen,
Three issues in language acquisition and use
Watch live on YouTube at this link.
For English translation, use this link. |
Room |
Room 1 |
Room 2 |
Room 3 |
1:00 - 1:30 | Language Teacher Development in Qatar: Research and Pedagogy
Kashif RazaDudley ReynoldsMick King Irene Theo Sara Hillman
Recording* | The Importance of Repurposing
John Allan | The Effectiveness of Spaced Practice: Using Technology in Learning Vocabulary
Muna Muqaibal
2:30 | Learning by Doing: Project-based Learning
Nara Avtandilyan | Alternative Assessments in Everyday Classroom Practices
Afroza Tina |
3:30 |
Featured Speaker Caring for Language Learners in a Virtual Environment
Shelly Sanchez
Recording* | The Why and How of Using Multicultural Children's Literature
Adrienne Seo & Daniel Moonasar | Learning Model: Learner’s Voice and Choice
Saba Batool |
4:00 - 4:30 |
Featured Speaker From Standards to Competencies: A Steady Shift Towards Implementing 21stCentury Skills in our English Classrooms.
Shaikha Al Rumaihi
| Alternative Techniques in Language Teaching and Assessment
Samira Moussaoui | Leadership Skills: A Tool for Team Building
Shivender Rahul & Purnima |
5:30 | Featured SpeakerLiving and Learning Online in a Post-Pandemic World
Andy Curtis | Refocusing Our Teaching Efforts in the Age of COVID-19
Matthew Carey | Collaborative Support Networks for Professional Development in Latin America
Sonia Díaz |
6:30 |
Featured Speaker How to Integrate Academic Language Learning with Subject Area Topics
Deborah Short
Recording* | Reality Pedagogy and the English Language Classroom
Khawla Badwan | Managing Learner Needs on a Virtual Platform
Rana Khan |
Room |
Room 4 |
Room 5 |
Room 6 |
1:00 - 1:30 | Cognitive Styles: A Decisive Factor in Online Teaching
Sabah Sabbah
| Engage Your Students: Yes, You Can!
Abir Ahmed
| Introducing Critical Thinking into a Language Programme
Richard Harrison
2:30 | | Using Technology in Early Childhood to Enhance Learning
Patti Tatum
Recording* | How to Use Technology Effectively in English Classrooms
Leidy Villamizar Castrillon
Recording* |
3:30 | Transfer of Writing Skills across Academic Subjects
Mondher Chaabane
Recording* | | Student Orientation Materials for Successful Virtual Learning
Nisreen Anati |
4:00 - 4:30 | Creative EAP
Jeremy Phillips
Recording* | Developing Communicative Language Competence
Daniel Morris | Technology-Enhanced Peer Feedback in the EAP Classroom
Panagiota Tzanni
Recording* |
5:30 | Assessing EFL College Students’ Achievement in Two Vocabulary Learning Methods
Islam Fadhil Abdulsahib
Recording* | Enjoy Creating the Thinking Classroom
Naglaa Mahmoud Mazeed Abdelmaugood
Recording* | Formative Assessment Tools for Online Classes
Alaeddin Halwani
Recording* |
6:30 |
A Corpus Driven Pattern Grammar Analysis of COVID-19 Keywords
Roy Randy Briones
Recording* | Online Vocabulary Logs, Explicit Learning, and Computer Assisted Language Learning in EFL Classroom
Azar Tajabadi | Using Google Sites for Creating E-Portfolios in the EAP Classroom
Iryna Lenchuk & Amer Ahmed |
*Password: QU-Conf-5
** Schedule is subject to change