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    Integration Between Psychology and Other Sciences Conference

    Call for Abstracts

    Integration Between Psychology and Other Sciences Conference
    29 and 30 May 2025 | Qatar University, Doha, Qatar

    The conference aims to foster a deeper understanding of the integration of psychology with other sciences, marking a significant milestone for psychology in the Arab world as the first of its kind in Qatar. It strives to enhance and enrich the community with the latest research findings in the field.

    The conference will explore interdisciplinary connections in psychology, emphasizing its integration with other disciplines to advance knowledge, stimulate new research ideas, and develop practical applications.

    We invite specialists to submit scientific papers on topics related to the conference theme. Submissions are welcomed in one of the following areas:

          • Psychology and Health Sciences (Health Psychology): The role of psychology in promoting health and wellbeing.
          • Psychology and Islamic Studies (Islamic Psychology): The interplay between Psychology and Islamic perspectives.
          • Psychology and Educational Sciences (Educational Psychology): The role of psychology in educational settings and practices.

    Submission Categories:

          1. Oral Presentations – Oral presentations will be of 15 minutes duration. Only research papers will be accepted.
          2. Poster Presentations – Only for research, quality improvement projects, or completed audits. Approved posters will be displayed in the venue foyer for the duration of the conference.

    Submission Guidelines

          • Title of the presentation or poster.
          • Name and affiliation of the presenter
          • For papers, succinct abstracts with clear objectives, methodology, results, and research implications.

    Arabic and English Abstracts may be submitted and both languages are accepted for presentations

    Abstract submission is now open until Friday 11th April. Please note that no submissions will be considered after that date.

    Please email for further queries.

    Submit Abstract