The International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction (CIC 2020) is now accepting papers through the
EasyChair conference system. Please
to submit your paper.
If you do not have an
EasyChair account
to acquire one.
Submission Steps
Step 1: Abstract Submission:
Abstracts should be limited to 250 words and having a clear description of the paper contents.
Step 2: Manuscript Submission:
After you receive the notification of abstract acceptance, you can submit your manuscript following the conference template

- All contributions must be original and should not have been published elsewhere.
Two types of manuscripts could be published in the conference proceedings:
Short papers: 3-4 pages (Industry oriented)
Full papers: 6-8 pages
- Papers should be prepared in English and carefully checked for correct grammar.
- All papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee.
- Once the reviewing process is complete, the corresponding author of each paper will be notified of the review result by e-mail.
- The authors are required to respond to the Reviewers’ comments and reflect the changes in the revised paper for final submission.
All accepted short and full papers will be included in the proceedings of the conference that will be available electronically.
Each paper must be presented by one of the authors.
At least one author must register for the conference and pay the fee prior to regular registration deadline for the paper to be accepted in the final program and published in the conference proceedings.
Copyright Form
The corresponding authors of accepted papers are required to fill, complete, sign and send the copyright form to
To download the copyright form

A best paper award will be conferred to author(s) of the papers that receives the highest rank during the peer-review and presentation. Only papers presented at the conference will be eligible for this award. Winners will receive a trophy. To download the CIC 2020 Best Paper Award Winners