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    Minor in Psychology

    The minor in Psychology is designed to provide students with an introduction to the field of psychology and familiarize them with the major concepts in psychology. The minor will provide students with skills needed to recognize, understand, and respect the complexity of sociocultural and international diversity.

     Declare the minor

    Applicants for the minor in Psychology must satisfy QU requirements for declaring a minor.

     Minor in Psychology

    A minimum of 24 credit hours are required to complete the minor in Psychology, including the following:

    • A minimum of 18 credit hours in the Minor Requirements.
    • A minimum of 6 credit hours in the Minor Electives.

     Minor Requirements (18 CH)

    Students must complete the following courses:

    • PSYC 201 Fundamentals of Psychology
    • PSYC 203 Health Psychology
    • PSYC 206 Introduction to Social Psychology
    • PSYC 301 Developmental Psychology
    • PSYC 303 Abnormal Psychology
    • PSYC 304 Cognitive Psychology

     Minor Electives (6 CH)

    Students must complete a minimum of 6 credit hours in courses selected from the following:

    • PSYC 300 Psychology of Personality
    • PSYC 306 Emotion and Motivation
    • PSYC 401 Psychological Helping Skills
    • PSYC 404 Psychology of Family Relations